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A field tourniquet is a device used to control severe bleeding in emergency situations. Here are the steps to use a field tourniquet: Locate the source of bleeding and make sure it is a severe, life-threatening bleed. Tourniquets are not recommended for minor bleeding as they can cause further damage. Place the tourniquet as high up on the affected limb as possible, between the wound and the heart. For example, if the wound is on the arm, place the tourniquet above the elbow. Tighten the tourniquet until the bleeding stops. Make sure to tighten it enough to completely occlude blood...

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Proper sock maintenance is important to keep your socks in good condition, prevent odors and maintain their effectiveness. Here are some tips for sock maintenance: Wash socks regularly: Socks should be washed after every use, especially if they are sweaty or dirty. Use a mild detergent and follow the washing instructions on the label. Separate socks: Separate your socks from your other laundry to prevent them from getting lost or tangled with other clothes. Use cold water: Use cold water when washing socks, as hot water can damage the fibers and cause them to shrink. Don't use bleach: Avoid using...

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